Sunday, April 27, 2014

Hey Snowman, What's the "MATTER"?

Students arrived at school on a "chilly" January morning to find a VERY special visitor! A snowman!! We got right to work naming our snowman. Students worked in groups to brainstorm and decide a name that the group agreed on. Then groups presented their name choices to the class and we took a vote. Since three of the four groups had the very same name choice, the majority definitely ruled! OLAF it is!!! We took some time to observe our snowman, measure our snow man, make predictions about what we think will happen to our snowman throughout the day. Olaf started out as a solid snowman and we watched him change throughout the day, dripping away slowly. Olaf got the spend the night in the classroom and when we came back to school the next day, well, Olaf was just a puddle. Mrs. Halloran took Olaf, the puddle, home to demonstrate what happens after the "puddle" or liquid stage. This was SUCH  a fun way for students to observe the different states of matter in action!


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